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One of the first questions that occur to us whenever we talk about our dental health is when and how to get our teeth checked and cleaned. In this respect, we should take into account the differences between the two procedures:

  • Dental cleaning, also known as scaling, is a procedure that is performed in order to rid the teeth of all of the deposits that have built up over time. It is usually performed with a device that uses ultrasound and vibrations to loosen the fragments of tartar that stick to the teeth; or in other words, all of the material that remains stuck to the teeth and cannot be removed by brushing or with dental floss.
  • Dental exams or check-ups are the regular visits we should make to the dentist in order to make sure our dental health and wellbeing is optimal: e.g. by checking for potential caries, checking to see whether our gums bleed, etc.


It is difficult to create a single template that can apply to every patient. However, for dental cleaning, it is recommended that you have this procedure done at least once a year. The frequency will also depend on your hygiene habits at home: only brushing your teeth once a day is not nearly as effective as brushing them three times a day, for example. The specific characteristics of our mouths also play a role. In any case, as a general rule, we should visit the dentist for a dental cleaning at least once a year. If we do that, the visit should not last longer than an hour.

Dental exams, on the other hand, are closely linked to our dental health. If we are more susceptible to suffering from pain or a particular pathology, the exams should be more frequent. In any case, and in line with the recommendations for dental cleaning, one dental exam a year would be the ideal frequency.

A dental exam consists of a detailed examination of our oral health, and often includes a dental X-ray in order to detect any potential problems. Additionally, there are times in which our bodies (in this case, our mouths) show signs that there is something wrong. If our gums bleed, if we notice a build-up of tartar, if we have sudden discomfort, or other symptoms appear, then we urgently require a dental exam.

To put it another way, our mouth and teeth, like cars, have to pass a periodic MOT (roadworthiness) test.


Your dental wellbeing is fundamental: it gives you peace of mind and increases your happiness. These four simple recommendations will help you to complement your periodic dental cleaning visits.

  1. Good oral hygiene starts at home. Use the toothbrush and toothpaste that are best suited to your particular circumstances. Your dentist will help you to choose the most suitable products.
  2. Brush your teeth after every meal for at least two minutes.
  3. Make sure you brush every side of your teeth when cleaning them.
  4. Use dental floss to get to areas that a regular toothbrush is unable to reach.

 Oris Dental Clinic, located in the heart of the neighborhood of Les Corts in Barcelona, offers all of the dental specialties you need to ensure your dental wellbeing.


En Clínica Dental Barcelona creemos que la excelencia en odontología proviene del trabajo en equipo. Por eso, contamos con expertos en distintas especialidades odontológicas, cada uno dedicado a cuidar tu salud bucal de manera integral.

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