Dental Clinic Barcelona

Dental Clinic Barcelona

In Oris Clinica de especialidades odontológicas we specialize in providing comprehensive dental care of the highest quality. Our team, composed of professionals with extensive experience in various areas of dentistry, will be dedicated to offer you a close and personalized treatment.

Dental Clinic Barcelona

Dental Clinic Barcelona

In Oris Dental Clinic we specialize in providing comprehensive dental care of the highest quality. Our team, composed of professionals with extensive experience in various areas of dentistry, will be dedicated to offer you a close and personalized treatment.

A multidisciplinary team at your service

A multidisciplinary team at your service

At Clínica Dental Barcelona we believe that excellence in dentistry comes from teamwork. That’s why we have experts in different dental specialties, each one dedicated to take care of your oral health in a comprehensive way.

Our treatments

Our treatments

Invisible orthodontics



Dental esthetics


Conservative Dentistry



Dental prosthesis

Pediatric Dentistry


Maxillofacial Surgery

What makes us special?

In Oris Clinic we strive every day to give you a service like no other.

If you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.

Quality assurance

We have carried out 200,000 visits in our 20 years of experience.

State-of-the-art technology

We use the most technologically advanced equipment and materials.

Reduced waiting time

We save your time. That’s why we keep waiting room time to a minimum.

Highly qualified team

Oris dentists have the best international training in each of our specialties.

One clinic for the whole family

We are specialists in pediatric dentistry for children and also in dental prostheses for the elderly. From invisible orthodontics to the latest techniques in dental aesthetics.

Humane treatment

We are not a franchise. We are a traditional clinic with a close and familiar treatment.

What our customers say

What our customers say


Me he hecho la revisión anual, higiene dental y les pedí que me revisaran los retenedores del invisiling. Todxs muy simpáticxs y profesionales. Repetiré seguro!

Cristina Pérez February 9, 2025

Me trataron muy bien !

Lucia B February 7, 2025

Fa anys que soc pacient i m'he fet tot tipus de tractaments. Sempre he quedat molt satisfeta. Les instalacions son bones i tot el personal és molt amable. La recomano sense dubtes.

Sandra Bielsa February 6, 2025

Tots els treballadors son molt agradables, son eficients i ràpids!

Sara Piedra February 6, 2025

Como siempre un trato perfecto y muy buenos profesionales. Mi centro dental de referencia.

Nerea Ventura February 6, 2025

Bons professionals i Excel.lent servei

Frequently Asked Questions

Consult the most common doubts about Oris clinic.

If you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.

Find everything you need

Access our blog articles where you will find all the information about orthodontic and invisible orthodontic treatments.

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