Dental implants Barcelona
Dental implants Barcelona
Dental implants are permanent solutions that replace missing teeth by inserting a titanium screw into the jawbone, on which a crown is placed, providing functionality and esthetics similar to natural teeth.
Dental implants Barcelona
Dental implants Barcelona
Dental implants are permanent solutions that replace missing teeth by inserting a titanium screw into the jawbone, on which a crown is placed, providing functionality and esthetics similar to natural teeth.
Teeth, bones, esthetics
Dental implants in our dental clinic: advanced solutions to replace missing teeth effectively.
At our dental clinic, we offer state-of-the-art dental implants to restore missing teeth with a durable and natural solution.
We use advanced technology to ensure precise and personalized placement, tailored to the specific needs of each patient.
Our implants, made of high-quality materials such as titanium, provide a solid foundation for crowns that integrate seamlessly with the rest of the teeth.
In addition, our team of specialists takes care of every step of the process, from initial evaluation to post-operative follow-up, ensuring optimal results and a comfortable recovery.
Phases of dental implants
Phases of dental implants
Our team of dental implant experts!
At Oris Clinic, we have a team of highly qualified orthodontists with extensive experience in dental implants.
What our customers say
What our customers say
El trato es excepcional. Te sientes en família y son muy profesionales
Excelente trabajo como siempre el de la Odontopediatra Maria Monedero. Paciencia, delicadeza y profesionalidad con los niños. Mi hijo de 7 años sale tranquilo después de los tratameintos, además, al terminar, siempre tienen algun detallito como recompensa para darles , y eso les encanta a los más pequeños!! Gracias Maria por todo!!!
Encantat amb la primera visita. Anava per una sensibilització dental i m’han fet unes radiografies i una exploració per veure com estava. Com que ja porto fèrula de descarrega, m’han recomanat que canvï el respall i la forma de respatllar i m’han recomanat una pasta específica (de la que m’han donat mostra). En una primera visita gratuïta, he sortit sense diagnòstics exagerats ni recomanacions de tractaments caríssims. Moltes gràcies per la vostra integritat i amabilitat!!
Un trato especialmente agradable por parte del equipo de Oris. Te sientes muy cómodo, tranquilo. Muy recomendable.
As a long-time customer, I can only express how happy I am to be treated at a dental clinic like Oris. I appreciate every aspect of the experience—from booking an appointment to the quality of care and the final results. Thank you!
Molt bon tracte, com sempre... Fa anys que vaig a la Clínica Orís i sempre m'han atès amb la màxima cura i professionalitat. Fan un gran esforç per atendre't ràpidament en cas de sorgir algun tema urgent. És un lloc de confiança per mantenir una salut dental òptima !!!
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