When we think of orthodontics, we often picture dental apparatus that are uncomfortable and visually unappealing. Fortunately, times have changed, and orthodontics has evolved in a direction that is much less uncomfortable and, aesthetically, much more appealing. On that note, allow us to introduce you to the Invisalign system.

Invisalign is a system that uses 3D technology to create a model of our teeth with millimeter precision. Using this virtual model, over which the orthodontist has direct control, we can examine how each tooth needs to be repositioned and create a real model of how the end result of the treatment will look. However, all of this must follow an exhaustive analysis by the orthodontist to determine whether the patient is a suitable candidate for this type of treatment.

How does it work?

Using this 3D model, a set of aligners will be precision-manufactured. These aligners will be responsible for moving the teeth and achieving the end result that was modeled at the start of the process. These aligners are completely transparent, and from an aesthetic point of view they are practically invisible. So forget about those uncomfortable and unappealing braces when you want to achieve a more attractive smile!

Five advantages of using Invisalign

  • Personalized solution. The aligners are made to measure using the model of each patient’s teeth. To ensure maximum comfort and convenience, they are changed every two weeks.
  • They can be taken out at any time. Invisalign aligners can be removed in order to eat, drink, brush your teeth… This makes them much more comfortable and convenient than traditional methods.
  • Transparency. The aligners are practically invisible, allowing you to conceal the fact that you’re having dental treatment.
  • Comfort. Forget about braces and wires that irritate your gums and the inside of your mouth. Every two to three weeks you’ll be able to change the aligners in the comfort of your own home, as the position of your teeth is gradually modified in accordance with the plan developed by your orthodontist and the 3D analytical system.
  • Effectiveness. This treatment has a much faster response time: results are visible from the second or third month. And unlike other treatments, Invisalign helps to prevent caries, by allowing you to take out the aligners when you eat and drink.

Invisalign is a revolution in the world of orthodontics. Comfort, effectiveness and safety are combined to achieve the perfect smile.

Did you know that Oris Dental Clinic is one of the 110,000 centers around the world that have been certified to perform treatments with Invisalign? And that our orthodontist, Dr. Ignacio Chacón, has been awarded “Diamond” status in the system of international ratings? Very few dental clinics can offer these advantages. Come to our clinic in the neighborhood of Les Corts and see for yourself!


En Clínica Dental Barcelona creemos que la excelencia en odontología proviene del trabajo en equipo. Por eso, contamos con expertos en distintas especialidades odontológicas, cada uno dedicado a cuidar tu salud bucal de manera integral.

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