
Invisible Orthodontics Barcelona

Invisible Orthodontics Barcelona

Wear a radiant and confident smile with the most esthetic and comfortable solution. With invisible orthodontics, you can correct the position of your teeth discreetly and comfortably, without anyone noticing that you are undergoing treatment.


Invisible Orthodontics Barcelona

Invisible Orthodontics Barcelona

Wear a radiant and confident smile with the most esthetic and comfortable solution. With invisible orthodontics, you can correct the position of your teeth discreetly and comfortably, without anyone noticing that you are undergoing treatment.

Discreet, Effective, Customized

Align your teeth in an invisible, comfortable and customized way with our invisible orthodontics.

The advantages of this system, which we have been using at Oris for more than ten years, are indisputable. Aligners are an excellent esthetic alternative to traditional orthodontics: they generate fewer sores and can be removed for eating and brushing teeth. The treatment is designed with the most advanced 3D technology and is supported by Artificial Intelligence. In addition, the process is much more convenient, as follow-up visits are scheduled every 6-10 weeks.

Invisible Orthodontics Treatment Phases

Invisible Orthodontics Treatment Phases

  • The first aligners are placed and their use is explained.
  • The definitive aligner kit is delivered in 4 weeks.
  • Occasional visits for adjustments and revision of the occlusion.
  • Scanning with iTero to evaluate progress.
  • The orthodontist assesses the need for adjustments.
  • New aligners are manufactured if necessary.
  • Removal of aligners and attachments.
  • Oral hygiene and occlusal adjustment.
  • Placement of retainers.
  • Controls during 18 months for follow-up of the result.

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Our team of experts in invisible orthodontics!

At Oris Clinic, we have a team of highly qualified orthodontists with extensive experience in invisible orthodontic treatment.

Dr. Ignasi Chacón | col.4699

Medical Director and Founder of Oris

-Dentistry Degree
-Specialty: Orthodontics
-Postgraduate Degree in Dental Prosthetics
-Master in Orthodontics

-Diplomado en Ortodoncia por la Charles
-H.Tweed Foundation 2009 (Tucson, United States)
-Specialist in Invisalign
-Specialist in Lingual Orthodontics
-Invisalign Category: Diamond Doctor
-Exclusive Orthodontic Practice

What our customers say

What our customers say


Tenia terror al dentista y siempre la pasaba muy mal, pero en Oris me siento muy cuidada y me tratan con paciencia, que ya no es un problema ir al dentista

Delfina Trentin February 14, 2025

El trato y el servicio es muy bueno. La mejor clinica dental en la que he estado con diferencia.

Jordi Coronas February 13, 2025

Des fa anys la meva família som pacients de la vostra clínica i n'estem tan satisfets i agraïts per la vostra gran professionalitat i tracte excel.lent. Sempre us recomanem :)

Carme Altes Duran February 13, 2025

Me he hecho la revisión anual, higiene dental y les pedí que me revisaran los retenedores del invisiling. Todxs muy simpáticxs y profesionales. Repetiré seguro!

Cristina Pérez February 9, 2025

Me trataron muy bien !

Lucia B February 7, 2025

Fa anys que soc pacient i m'he fet tot tipus de tractaments. Sempre he quedat molt satisfeta. Les instalacions son bones i tot el personal és molt amable. La recomano sense dubtes.

Sandra Bielsa February 6, 2025

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