Endodontics Barcelona2024-09-23T22:36:04+00:00


Endodontics Barcelona

Endodontics Barcelona

Endodontics is a dental specialty that deals with the treatment of the internal tissues of the tooth, such as the pulp, using techniques to eliminate infections and save damaged teeth, restoring their functionality and health.


Endodontics Barcelona

Endodontics Barcelona

Endodontics is a dental specialty that deals with the treatment of the internal tissues of the tooth, such as the pulp, using techniques to eliminate infections and save damaged teeth, restoring their functionality and health.

Pulp, infections, restoration.

Endodontics: Root Canal Treatment to Save Damaged Teeth and Restore Function

Endodontics, or root canal treatment, is a dental specialty that focuses on saving teeth affected by infection or damage to the dental pulp.
This procedure involves removing the damaged pulp, disinfecting the root canal and sealing the space with a biocompatible material.
The objective is to preserve the natural tooth and prevent its extraction, thus restoring its functionality and health.
After treatment, a crown is placed to reinforce the tooth and protect it from future damage.
Endodontics allows to maintain the dental structure and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Invisalign treatment phases

Phases of endodontic treatment

  • Clinical examination of the affected tooth.
  • X-rays to visualize the extent of the damage.
  • Treatment planning based on the findings.
  • Removal of infected or damaged dental pulp.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of the root canal.
  • Filling and sealing of the space with biocompatible material.
  • Placement of a crown to reinforce the tooth.
  • Evaluation of the adaptation and functionality of the treated tooth.
  • Recommendations for care and regular follow-up.

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Our team of experts in Endodontics!

In Oris Clinic, we have a team of highly qualified endodontists with extensive experience in this type of treatment.

Dra.<br />
Clara Duarte
Clara Duarte
Degree in Dentistry.
International University of Catalonia Master in Clinical Endodontics with Microscopic and Endodontic Surgery Postgraduate in Dental Aesthetics Postgraduate in Dental Aesthetics.
Dra.<br />
Sara Arias Morali
Sara Arias Morali
Degree in Dentistry Master’s Degree in Endodontics Specialist in Legal and Forensic Dentistry

What our customers say

What our customers say


Com sempre molt agradable i profesional, per part de totes les persones.

joaquim serra ferrer October 11, 2024

Son unos profesionales excelentes. Siempre es un placer tratar con cualquiera de ell@s. Gracias

Albert Avellaneda September 27, 2024

Clinica dental de total confianza. Recomiendo sin duda este sitio. Grandes profesionales con un trato muy cercano. Los precios son correctos Todos son muy buenos, pero mención especial a Pamela...que todo lo hace bien... y al Dr. Martínez y a José Luis La Torre que tienen unas manos para la cirugía de la boca, realmente increíbles!

Manel Gil Vazquez September 25, 2024

Excelente servicio y trato.

Sonia Oliveira September 21, 2024

Excelente centro de odontología con amplia gama de especialidades. Trato cercano y considerado. Actualmente es nuestro centro de referencia para toda la familia.

Marco Azpurua September 10, 2024

Muy profesionales y trato encantador, 100% recomendable

Kamal Barrouhou July 19, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Consult the most common doubts about Oris clinic

If you do not find the answer you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.

What is endodontics?2024-09-06T10:21:17+00:00

Endodontics is a dental specialty that treats problems of the dental pulp, through root canal treatment, to save damaged or infected teeth.

When is root canal treatment needed?2024-09-06T10:21:19+00:00

Root canal treatment is needed when the dental pulp is infected, inflamed or damaged due to deep cavities, dental fractures or injuries.

How is root canal treatment performed?2024-09-06T10:21:23+00:00

The procedure includes removal of the damaged pulp, cleaning and disinfection of the root canal, and sealing the space with a special material to prevent future infection.

Is root canal treatment painful?2024-09-06T10:21:24+00:00

Root canal treatment is performed under local anesthesia to minimize pain during the procedure.
There may be some discomfort or sensitivity afterwards, which is usually managed with painkillers.

How long does a root canal treatment last?2024-09-06T10:21:26+00:00

The duration of root canal treatment varies, but generally takes between 60 and 90 minutes per session.
Depending on the case, it may require one or several visits.

What materials are used in a root canal treatment?2024-09-06T10:21:24+00:00

Materials such as gutta-percha are used to seal the root canal and biocompatible composites are used to fill the space, ensuring that the tooth remains protected and functional.

What happens if root canal treatment is not performed?2024-09-06T10:21:28+00:00

If root canal treatment is not performed, infection or damage to the pulp can worsen, leading to severe pain, abscesses, and eventually loss of the affected tooth.

What is the success rate of root canal treatment?2024-09-06T10:21:29+00:00

The success rate of root canal treatment is high, usually over 90%.
The key to success is early diagnosis, proper treatment and postoperative care.

Can I eat normally after root canal treatment?2024-09-06T10:21:28+00:00

It is advisable to wait for the anesthesia to wear off and avoid hard or sticky foods until the tooth is completely restored with a crown.

Does the root canal tooth need a crown?2024-09-06T10:21:27+00:00

Yes, in most cases, it is recommended that a crown be placed over the treated tooth to protect it and restore its form and function, as it may become more fragile after treatment.

What care should I follow after root canal treatment?2024-09-06T10:21:25+00:00

It is essential to follow good oral hygiene, avoid hard or sticky foods, and attend follow-up visits.
Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions to ensure proper healing.

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