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Nowadays, teeth whitening is one of the most common and in-demand dental treatments. The importance of aesthetics has made this procedure one of the most frequently requested treatments in recent years.

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic dental treatment that is designed to remove the discoloration that affects teeth, thereby giving them a whiter, brighter appearance without damaging the enamel. This discoloration can be internal or external and the treatment will be tailored to suit the patient, in accordance with where the discoloration is located.

The whitening procedure is both safe and simple; however, before visiting our clinic in the neighborhood of Les Corts in Barcelona, there are a few things you should know. Take note of these 10 things you need to know before undergoing this treatment.

10 things you must take into account

  1. Seek advice from a professional.

Teeth whitening is a dental treatment. Therefore, before you do anything else, you must seek advice from a professional. There are treatments that can be done in the clinic, and others that can be done at home, provided you follow your dentist’s instructions. There are also hybrid treatments that combine these two options, albeit always under the supervision of our professionals.

  1. Your teeth may be sensitive during the hours that follow.

Teeth whitening can cause sensitivity immediately after the treatment has been performed. This is relatively common and is due to the products that are used. However, in the unlikely event that the sensitivity persists, the treatment must be stopped.

  1. It does not damage tooth enamel.

Under no circumstances will the professional teeth whitening treatments we perform at Oris damage the enamel of your teeth. Many studies have shown that this type of treatment does not make teeth more fragile.

  1. It is not suitable for everyone.

Teeth whitening can only be done if your gums as well as your teeth are in good health. If you have caries, fissures in the tooth enamel, or your teeth are very sensitive, this type of treatment is not recommended and you must treat these dental problems before considering whitening.

  1. It is not a permanent treatment.

The effects last from 6 months to 2 years. At present, there is no treatment that will whiten your teeth permanently. Although the results of the treatment are immediate, the duration of these results will depend on a range of factors related to the patient, such as their age, oral hygiene habits and the type of treatment chosen.

  1. Be careful what you eat after treatment.

During the days that follow the treatment, it is important to avoid foods that have strong colors, such as spinach, strawberries, blackberries, pumpkin, chocolate, etc. We recommend that you adopt a “white” diet (e.g. pale-colored products such as milk, cheese, boiled rice, etc.) for a few days. However, this is only necessary for a few days, there’s no need to torture yourself!

  1. Brushing is extremely important.

You already know that oral hygiene is important, but after a teeth whitening treatment it’s even more important! After every meal, you must brush your teeth thoroughly and don’t forget to floss. Make sure your toothpaste is free from artificial colors: the best option is to use a toothpaste designed to treat dental hypersensitivity.

  1. The Internet can be a risky place.

In Spain, it’s illegal to sell teeth whitening systems online directly to patients. To do so is a criminal offence. The only options you will find online are foreign products, and you will have no idea whether such products comply with the mandatory health standards, or whether they might place your dental and oral health at risk. You should therefore entrust your teeth whitening treatment to the hands of a professional.

  1. Be wary of homemade or natural whitening products.

There is a lot of misinformation regarding teeth whitening. For example, there are tips circulating about how to whiten your teeth with a homemade method that uses lemon. Be careful, because although these methods may whiten your teeth, they could also destroy the enamel that keeps your teeth protected.

  1. It is not a replacement for dental cleaning.

Teeth whitening is a purely aesthetic treatment; it does not clean your teeth. In other words, teeth whitening does not replace the regular dental cleaning treatments that you should be having.

At Oris Dental Clinic, located in the heart of the neighborhood of Les Corts in Barcelona, we have the specialists and materials to perform teeth whitening treatments correctly.


En Clínica Dental Barcelona creemos que la excelencia en odontología proviene del trabajo en equipo. Por eso, contamos con expertos en distintas especialidades odontológicas, cada uno dedicado a cuidar tu salud bucal de manera integral.

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