Often, parents are unsure of when they need to take their baby to the dentist. Should they wait until all of the baby’s teeth have come through? Or wait until there’s a problem? At Oris, the answer to both those questions is a resounding no.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Spanish Society for Pediatric Dentistry, the baby’s first visit to the dentist should be straight after their first tooth comes through. After this first tooth appears, there is the potential to develop caries – even before the baby’s first birthday.

During this first visit, the dentist will examine the baby’s mouth and check for mouth ulcers, caries or other problems. The dentist will also make sure that the baby’s lower jaw (mandible) and teeth are developing correctly and advise the parents on the most suitable oral hygiene techniques for their baby. They will also be able to tell whether any of the baby’s habits might be detrimental to their oral development, e.g. use (and abuse) of the dummy, extended use of the feeding bottle, or thumb-sucking.

Once this first exam has been performed, the specialist will diagnose any issues, clean the baby’s teeth and give the parents daily care recommendations for the baby’s teeth and gums. Moreover, this first exam has a number of additional benefits:

  • The parents can find out whether the cleaning procedures they perform at home are adequate.
  • The dentist can identify any problems immediately and offer a solution.
  • The child will start to treat regular visits to the dentist as a habitual practice designed with their health and wellbeing in mind, resulting in less fuss and stress.

Recommendations for planning the first visit

When the time comes for the first visit, the parents must make an effort to transmit a feeling of trust and security to their child. It is necessary for the child to have a good relationship with the dentist so that fear does not develop. In this respect, the role of the parents is vital. Below we offer some recommendations to help parents make this first experience a positive one:

  • Morning visits are usually a good choice, as the child is more awake and receptive.
  • Avoid scheduling a visit during the child’s habitual nap-time, as this will affect their mood.
  • On the day of the visit, make sure your child has had a light meal before the visit.
  • Try not to feed the child solids in the waiting room, as this will make the dental exam more difficult.

Undoubtedly, you’ll wonder whether your child will be nervous, whether they’ll cry, whether they’ll feel uncomfortable… Every child is different, but at Oris our pediatric specialists will make every effort to ensure this first visit is as pleasant and welcoming as possible.

Dental hygiene at home

Taking care of your baby’s dental hygiene should become a regular habit. To this end, before your baby’s first birthday we recommend that you clean their gums after every meal. At first you can use a damp piece of gauze, and when the baby’s teeth start to come through you can use an age-appropriate toothbrush.

It is important to remember that you must not use toothpaste until the baby is 2 years old. After that, you can start to use a small amount of toothpaste specially formulated for children, which will have a low fluoride content.

Babies can develop caries if their teeth are in prolonged contact with the sugars found in milk. For this reason, it is important not to leave them alone with the feeding bottle in their mouth for extended periods. After each drink, you should remove the bottle and clean their mouth.

If you are proactive about ensuring your child’s future dental health, you will do them an enormous favor that will go on to have a positive impact throughout their life. During this early stage we recommend that you adopt the habit of checking the baby’s teeth regularly and visiting the dentist if you notice anything out of the ordinary. It’s time to dispel the urban myth that milk teeth don’t need much care because they’ll eventually fall out!

Oris Dental Clinic, located in the heart of the neighborhood of Les Corts in Barcelona, offers all of the pediatric dental specialties you need to ensure the dental wellbeing of you and your children.


En Clínica Dental Barcelona creemos que la excelencia en odontología proviene del trabajo en equipo. Por eso, contamos con expertos en distintas especialidades odontológicas, cada uno dedicado a cuidar tu salud bucal de manera integral.

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